From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor – January 10, 2021

Dear church family member and serious student of the Word of God,

Last week I introduced Acts 1:1 through 11 as the final in person motivational message of the Saviour to His closest followers in the first church in Jerusalem.  The themes mentioned  in Acts One will be our themes for 2021, the Lord willing.  They are:  the ministry of the Holy Spirit;  witnessing;  and the return of Christ. Because of the strategic importance of these verses, that are just as important in 2021 as when they were first given, I will begin today and continue this month focusing our attention word for word on these few sentences.  I am so glad to have you joining me in this adventure.  Study to shew thyself approved unto God!  Search the Scriptures daily!  This book, the Bible that is, will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book! 

I suggest that you commit to read and study these verses in detail.  Share with someone else what the Lord reveals to you and let’s all grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord together! 

Today’s Sermon Titles

A.M.  Meet the apostle Paul’s Doctor!

P.M.  Summarizing the Life of Christ